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Name Date Action
[2012] Department Of Fisheries Resources Annual Report 2010/2011 165 27-07-2024 Download N/A
[2018] Report On The Nile Perch Value-chain Analysis For The Local And Regional Trade In East Africa 104 27-07-2024 Download N/A
[2018] The Value Chain Analysis of Nile perch Maw Trade in East Africa 101 27-07-2024 Download N/A
[2016] State Of Lake Victoria Dagaa (Rastrineobola Argentea): Quantity, Quality, Value Addition, Utilization And Trade In The East African Region For Improved Nutrition, Food Security And Income 71 27-07-2024 Download N/A
[2019] A Report Of The Lake-wide Hydro-acoustic Survey 59 27-07-2024 Download N/A
[2020] A Report Of The Lake Victoria Hydro-acoustic Survey 67 27-07-2024 Download N/A
[2020] GIZ – Global Sustainable Fisheries and Aquaculture Projects 122 27-07-2024 Download N/A
2022 _ GIZ RFBCP Performance Report 110 27-07-2024 Download

For the period: 2018 - 2022

2021 _ AAIF3-22-Report_on_Fisheries_and_Aquaculture_Bill 71 27-07-2024 Download

Report of the Parliamentary Committee on the Fisheries and Aquaculture Bill 

2001 _ Appraisal Report (Uganda Fisheries Development Project) 152 27-07-2024 Download N/A
2019 _ Market Assessment for Farmed Fish in Uganda - Final Report 112 27-07-2024 Download N/A
2021 _ Aquatic Animal Health Monitoring Control and Surveillance 84 27-07-2024 Download

This report is the outcome of desk work and findings from field investigations and analysis related to the development of a monitoring, surveillance and control (MCS) system for Aquaculture production in Uganda under the Promoting Environmentally Sustainable Commercial Aquaculture Project in Uganda, funded by EU

2020 _ MAAIF Annual Performance Report 142 27-07-2024 Download

For year 2019 / 2020

2010 _Frame Survey - Lake Victoria 108 27-07-2024 Download N/A